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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I foster if I am single?Yes, of course you can. Anyone can foster as long as they are able to demonstrate that they have the skills and capacity to care for a child. You need to be resilient, kind and have a support network around you.
How long does it take to become a Foster Carer?The length of time for assessments varies depending on individual circumstances. However, we complete assessments within 4-6 months on average.
Do I have to have a spare room?Yes, you do need to have a spare room. All children must have a room of their own unless they are a sibling group and the social worker agrees that they can share a room.
I am over 60 can I still apply?We welcome applications from individuals of any age and there is no upper age limit! Everyone who applies will have a medical with their GP and as long as you are physically and emotionally fit enough to support a child/young people, then age is not an issue.
I have a criminal record can I still foster?It's important that you let us know about any criminal records you may have. A previous conviction will not necessarily preclude you from fostering. Much will depend on the nature of the offence and when it occurred. We will carry out an enhanced DBS check on everyone who applied and would ask that you are open and honest from the start with any convictions. This way we can assess whether you can continue on the assessment journey.
What training will I receive?We have a full and varied training program. Some of this is online and some face to face. As part of your assessment we will run workshops on top of your 'Skills to Foster' course. Again, these will be both face to face and virtual depending on the need at the time. We will try to be flexible and ensure that this fits around your life and young people. We are here to support you with your training.
What Support can I get?When you become an approved Foster Carer with Empower Fostering, you will be allocated a supervising social worker to meet with you once a fortnight to discuss how the child/young person is progressing. You will also be able to speak to a team member seven days a week, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. In addition, there are support meetings with other Foster Carers in your area.
What training and learning opportunities are available?After completing your 'Skills to Foster' course and becoming an approved carer, there will be planned learning opportunities available throughout the year, covering topics such as 'keeping children safe', 'managing behavior', 'developing self-esteem in children' and 'promoting good health'.
How do I become a Foster Carer?You will receive advice and information from one of our team members during your initial phone contact. When you are ready, you will be assigned a dedicated assessor who will visit you and assist you throughout the process. A referee, medical, and DBS check will be done, and you will be asked to undergo a 'Skills to Foster' training session. The assessment procedure typically takes 4-6 months.
As a Foster Carer, is it my choice to want to transfer agencies?Absolutely, it is entirely up to you. You have the ability to transfer as a Foster Carer at any time.
Can I transfer from a Local Authority to Empower Fostering?If you currently foster on behalf of a Local Authority or a different independent foster agency you are always eligible to transfer to Empower Fostering.
Who can I speak to should I want to transfer?Simply contact one of our fostering advisors today by phoning or filling out our enquiry form.
What Happens at an Initial Home Visit?One of our team members will visit your house for a casual talk on looking after small children and young people. We'll discuss the process of becoming a Foster Carer, offer book and research recommendations, and go over your responsibilities as a Foster Carer.
How do you match a child or young person with Foster Carers?We carefully match Foster Carers with children. During the assessment process, we will get a better understanding of what would work for you and your home, which will help us make the right matches.
Do I have any say in the child or young person placed with me?Yes. The matching process is fundamental for you and the child or young person. We will match the needs and requirements of the child or young person with what you can offer. This will be discussed with you in-depth during your assessment.
Can you foster if you are in debt?If you have debt, you are not necessarily disqualified to foster. This would be examined during the fostering assessment and approval process because each person's circumstance differs. Do not be worried that your debt will prevent you from becoming a Foster Carer. To learn more, get in touch with us for a completely private and informal chat.
Can I get a mortgage as a Foster Carer?Yes! There are several mortgage lenders that will allow you use your entire fostering income, and there are even specific mortgage lenders and products made only for foster carers.
Can you be a Foster Carer if you live in affordable housing?Certainly, being a resident of affordable housing does not stop you from wishing to foster.
Do you get paid per family or per child when fostering?Typically, the foster allowance is determined by how many children or young people you are looking after.
What training and learning opportunities are available?There are lots! Once approved as a Foster Carer, there are many opportunities to learn more about keeping children safe, managing behaviours, developing self-esteem in children, first aid and many, many more!
What support can I expect?Once approved as a Foster Carer, you will be allocated a supervising social worker. They will visit you once a fortnight to discuss your foster child's progress. In addition to this, members of our team are available for you to speak with at any time, day or night, 365 days a year. There are also regular local Foster Carer support meetings; a chance for you to meet up with our other Foster Carers in your area.
How is the training delivered?Here at Empower Fostering, we offer both face-to-face training and virtual training. The will be dependent on your location and the type of training it is.

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