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Grandmother and Granddaughter

Why Foster?

Children and young people come into care for so many reasons. They come from all backgrounds, faiths, and have their own unique and varied experiences and needs. 

Almost all will have suffered some neglect, trauma and/or abuse, and every one of them needs the security, warmth, care and support our Foster Carers provide. 

We have never regretted our decision to Foster. We feel we have learnt so much in such a short time with the support from Empower Family.

Why are Foster Carers Needed?

Foster Carers are needed to give young people in their care the opportunity to enjoy their childhood, provide them with the security to be themselves, explore their skills and give them the experience of being carefree. 


Young people entering care may have never been provided with a structured routine, a balanced and nourishing diet, appropriate clothing and the correct health care. For young people who've experienced a fragmented and unpredictable home life, our Foster Carers give them reassurance, reliability, stability and organisation. 

Why Consider Fostering?

People have unique reasons for becoming Foster Carers, and many of them share similar qualities that help them provide excellent and inspiring care to those in need. Common motivations include wanting to make a positive difference in the world and providing additional support to vulnerable children. 

Why Foster Children Need You?

It is essential to provide children with the support and guidance they need in order to create a safe future for themselves. Too many children don't have the loving environment that a family should provide, but with your help, they can get access to resources that will give them the stability they need to thrive. In addition, fostering is a highly fulfilling experience. You will be able to watch the children you foster grow and overcome obstacles, which will be a rewarding experience that will help make any hardships you face worth it. 

Considering Fostering?

Many individuals choose to become Foster Carers for a rang of motives, ranging from personal experiences to the desire to make a positive change. Despite the variety of backgrounds, our carers share certain similarities which aid them in giving outstanding and inspiring care to those in need.

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Support young people in achieving success and growth

If you have a strong desire to help children live better, more fulfilling lives, and you are dedicated to seeing them through any struggles or roadblocks, then you would make an excellent foster carer. It is your enthusiasm and passion to support children and help them reach their highest potential that is most important in this role. 

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You want to make a difference

If you're connected to someone who has gone through the fostering system or know what it's like to be in a vulnerable spot, you could create a positive difference in the lives of those in need. Any child or young person in the fostering system has already gone through a lot and will be looking for a stable and secure place to thrive. By giving them a safe atmosphere and offering them a firm foundation and loving environment, you can be the answer to a brighter future for them. 

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You've been there

Some of our Foster Carers were brought up in foster homes themselves and understand how profoundly beneficial it can be to have a supportive presence in times of distress. Their own experiences can be essential in helping foster children through traumas and helping them develop the courage and strength to face their future. 

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You have an empty nest?

If you're a parent who has already raised their own children who have now flown the nest, fostering could be a great option for you. Now that your own children are grown and out of the house, you have the perfect opportunity to give a child or young person the care and stability they need to succeed. With your first-hand knowledge of the highs and lows of parenting, you'll be able to give them the guidance they need to make it through the tough times. 

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You want to start a family?

People who have desired to have children of their own may find fostering to be a beneficial path. This can offer them the opportunity to offer a secure and loving home to those in need and experience all the joys that come with being a parent. Fostering can be life-changing experience for both the parent and the child. 

Ready to talk about fostering?
Get in touch with us today for a friendly chat. 

01823 756 100  |

Unit 2 Prockters Farm Offices, West Monkton, Taunton Somerset, TA2 8QN

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